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Start Your Paleo Journey
If you’re new to the paleo diet, you are at the right place to quickly learn what it’s all about. Check out read the following 15 simple guidelines of the Paleo diet and kick start your paleo journey.
And the next step is to start cooking some of the best Paleo Recipes. For even more great recipes, check out The Paleo Recipe Book 

You’ll also enjoy going a bit deeper by reading some of the more in-depth Articles and watch Cooking videos.
The 15 Rules of The Paleo Diet

1. Eat unlimited amounts of saturated fats like coconut oil and butter or clarified butter. Beef tallow, lard and duck fat are
also good, but only if they come from healthy and well-treated animals.
Beef or lamb tallow is a better choice than lamb or duck fat. Olive, avocado and macadamia oil are also good fats to use in salads and to drizzle over food, but not for cooking.

3. Eat generous amounts of animal protein. This includes red meat, poultry, pork, eggs, organs (liver, kidney, heart…), wild caught fish and shellfish. Don’t be scared to eat the fatty cuts and all meals with proteins should contain fat as well. Learn to cook with bones in the form of stocks and broths.

5. Eat low to moderate amounts of fruits and nuts. Try to eat mostly fruits low in sugar and high in antioxidants like berries as well as nuts high in omega-3, low in omega-6 and low in total polyunsaturated fat like macadamia nuts.
Consider cutting off fruits and nuts altogether if you have an
autoimmune disease, digestive problem or are trying to lose weight
6. Preferably choose pasture-raised and grass-fed meat
coming from a local, environmentally conscious farms. If not possible,
choose lean cuts of meat and supplement your fat with coconut oil,
butter or clarified butter. Also preferably choose organic, local and/or seasonal fruits and vegetables.

8. Cut out all vegetable, hydrogenated and partly-hydrogenated oils
including, but not limited to, margarines, soybean oil, corn oil,
crisco, peanut oil, canola oil, safflower oil and sunflower oil. Olive
oil and avocado oil are fine, but don’t cook with them, use them in
salad dressings and to drizzle over prepared food.
10. Eliminate dairy products other than butter and maybe heavy cream. You don’t need dairy, but if you can’t live without, read this article and consider raw, full-fat and/or fermented dairy.
11. Eat when you’re hungry and don’t stress if you skip a meal or even two. You don’t have to eat three square meals a day, do what feels most natural.
12. Eliminate to most sources of external stress in your life as possible and sleep the most you can. Try to wakeup without an alarm and to go to bed when it’s dark.
13. Don’t over-exercise, keep your training sessions short
and intense and do them only a few times per week. Take some extra time
off if you feel tired. Consider short and intense sprinting sessions
instead of very long cardio sessions.
14. Consider supplementing with vitamin D and probiotics.
Levels of magnesium, iodine and vitamin K2 should also be optimized.
Iodine can be obtained from seaweeds. You probably don’t need a
multivitamin or other supplements.
15. Play in the sun, have fun, laugh, smile, relax, discover, travel, learn and enjoy life like a daring adventure!
P.S. Paleo cooking provides a simple,
natural way of eating that can dramatically improve health, and help you to
lose weight in the process. No other weight loss diet is as basic, yet
effective. If you want to lose weight fast, increase your energy and your sex
drive, improve your immune system and have a clearer, smoother complexion then
the Paleo diet might just be the answer. The Paleo Recipe book is just one
resource that could help you achieve your goals.
Paleo recipes have
benefits and own distinctive importance and significance to start a healthy
life style.
In any case, there are plenty of recipes, cook books and
resources available at Paleo Recipes Book that can help you learn more about the Paleo diet, what are the Paleo
diet allowed foods and assist you to more easily make this beneficial life style
Let's Get Cooking !
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